LeCroy WaveMaster 8 Zi-A oscilloscopes

Monday, 05 September, 2011 | Supplied by: Vicom Australia Pty Ltd

The LeCroy WaveMaster 8 Zi-A oscilloscopes combine what is claimed to be the highest bandwidth (45 GHz) and sample rate (120 GS/s) with good signal fidelity performance and 20 GHz on all four input channels.

Models are available from 4 to 45 GHz with complete bandwidth upgradability throughout the range. The X-Stream II architecture maximises speed in all aspects and provides for full analysis on maximum record lengths using LeCroy’s deep analysis toolbox.

The company uses widely adopted and proven SiGe processes, custom second-generation ASIC designs and sixth-generation digital bandwidth interleave to achieve real-time performance of 45 GHz; 120 GS/s; 768 Mpts/ch analysis memory; and 20 GHz/4-ch model.

Four-channel performance at 20 GHz has good rise time, overshoot, total and random jitter noise floor and electrical noise performance.

The series’ X-Stream II architecture supports capturing, zooming, measuring and analysing multiple waveforms at up to 768 Mpts deep. The architecture design is augmented with a Core 2 Quad processor (12 GHz effective clock rate), high-speed serial data buses, Windows 7 64-bit OS and 8 GB of RAM giving a processing speed that is said to be 10-100x faster than similar instruments.

An accurate and stable time base is incorporated for the best possible jitter measurement accuracy and the noise floor is down to 125 fs rms.

High bandwidth differential probes (up to 25 GHz), single-ended active probes, current probes, high-voltage and mixed signals all connect to the oscilloscope and give a total system view.

All the oscilloscopes contain selectable 50 Ω and 1 MΩ input capability and can be used with any LeCroy probe - passive or active - without requiring external adapters or power supplies.

Online: www.vicom.com.au
Phone: 1300 360 251
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